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The data administrator is Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. based at al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot. Providing data is voluntary. The above data will be processed by the Marketing i Obsługa Klienta read moreSp. z o.o. in order to provide information about the commercial offer (by phone or e-mail) regarding the companies from the CHMARA Group, competent for the provision of services or investment implementation. We remind you that you have the right to access your data and correct it. All correspondence in matters related to the processing of personal data, referred to above, should be directed to the following address: Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o., al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot with the inscription "Personal Data". If you do not want to receive information by e-mail please write to

Selling office

al. Niepodległości 669
81-855 Sopot Poland

open: Mon. – Fri.   9:00 - 17:00 hours


tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.1
tel. +48 500 300 000 internal.1

How to get to the sale office:

Presentation of the demonstration house

Presentation of the demonstration house:
You need not make an appointment ahead to see our demonstration house.
The demonstration house is accessible 7 days a week:
Mon. - Fri. from 8:00 to 16:00 hours    


Domachowo 19, Gdańsk district, Pomeranian Voivodeship, ( near Straszyn )
Once on site, call: +48 500 000 300 internal.2


Click on the demonstration house below, then open the mobile map; your telephone will navigate you to the site. How to arrive at the demonstration house:

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Loans and financing

Przemysław Danielewski

tel. +48 785 803 459


Łukasz Muszyński

tel. +48 667 890 534

Interior design

Flat and house interior design

tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.4

Development agreements and deeds

Development agreements and deeds

tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.6


tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.5

Site office and support

Acceptances and Service

Investment Department

Investment Department

tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.8

Marketing and advertising

Marketing and Advertising Department

tel. +48 500 000 300 internal.9

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Sales department
tel. +48 500 000 300
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The data administrator is Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. based at al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot. Providing data is voluntary. read moreThe above data will be processed by Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. in order to provide information about the commercial offer (by phone or e-mail) regarding the companies from the CHMARA Group, competent for the provision of services or investment implementation. We remind you that you have the right to access your data and correct it. All correspondence in matters related to the processing of personal data, referred to above, should be directed to the following address: Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o., al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot with the inscription "Personal Data". If you do not want to receive information by e-mail please write to
Visit the site
The data administrator is Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. based at al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot. Providing data is voluntary. read moreThe above data will be processed by Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. in order to provide information about the commercial offer (by phone or e-mail) regarding the companies from the CHMARA Group, competent for the provision of services or investment implementation. We remind you that you have the right to access your data and correct it. All correspondence in matters related to the processing of personal data, referred to above, should be directed to the following address: Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o., al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot with the inscription "Personal Data". If you do not want to receive information by e-mail please write to
The data administrator is Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. based at al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot. Providing data is voluntary. read moreThe above data will be processed by Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o. in order to provide information about the commercial offer (by phone or e-mail) regarding the companies from the CHMARA Group, competent for the provision of services or investment implementation. We remind you that you have the right to access your data and correct it. All correspondence in matters related to the processing of personal data, referred to above, should be directed to the following address: Marketing i Obsługa Klienta Sp. z o.o., al. Niepodległości 669, 81-855 Sopot with the inscription "Personal Data". If you do not want to receive information by e-mail please write to